Zemax opticstudio download

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Software Tutorial,Education - http://www.datingvr.ru/ - This requires a copy of the file sntlconfig. These surfaces can all be optimized and constrained to meet performance and manufacturing constraints. zemax opticstudio download

With readily available commercial optical design software, these tools are accessible to the general optical engineering community and rudimentary skills in optical design are now expected by a wide range of industries who utilize optics in their products. Optical Systems Design 2 3 Course Aims To introduce the design principles of lens and mirror optical systems and the evaluation of designs using modern computer techniques. The lectures will cover lens design, aberrations, optimization, tolerancing and image quality metrics. Optical Systems Design 3 4 ZEMAX Optics Studio The ZEMAX optical design program is a comprehensive software tool. It integrates all the features required to conceptualize, design, optimize, analyze, tolerance, and document virtually any optical system. It is widely used in the optics industry as a standard design tool. This course will introduce the basics of ZEMAX using the recently released 2014 OpticStudio interface. Be able to install a version of the Zemax optical design programme on a Windows PC 2. Understand the main tasks involved in optical systems design with Zemax 3. Be aware of Zemax notation for the 5 main Seidel aberrations 4. Know the relevance of the terms: optical axis, stop, pupil, chief ray, marginal ray, point spread function for Zemax 5. This requires a copy of the file sntlconfig. See who is using them at: Log out from Zemax if not actively using! Astronomical Optics, Dan Schroeder Academic Press; GoogleBooks Optics, Jeff Hecht Addison Wesley Also the Zemax knowledge base: Optical Systems Design 10 11 Optical Systems Design Science or art of developing optical systems to image, direct, analyse or measure light. Includes camera lenses, telescopes, microscopes, scanners, photometers, spectrographs, interferometers, Systems should be as free from geometrical optical errors aberrations as possible. Optical Systems Design 11 12 Historical Note Lens design has changed significantly since ~1960 with the introduction of digital computers and numerical optimisation. Analytical design methods Petzval, Seidel were historically based on a mathematical treatment of geometrical imagery and primary aberrations still useful for initial designs. Numerical evaluation methods ray trace many light rays from object to image space. Optical Systems Design 12 13 Seidel 3 rd order Aberrations 1. Longitudinal chromatic aberration 7. Non-sequential ray-tracing does not assume a predefined path for the rays, but when a ray hits a surface in its path, it may then reflect, refract, diffract, scatter or split into child rays scattered light. Optical Systems Design 14 15 Numerical Optimisation Methods Given a starting configuration, the computer can be used to optimise a design by an iterative process. Programs are still dumb. Designer must supply intelligence through selection of starting configuration, control of optimization parameters, understanding of underlying optical theory, etc. Rays out of plane are skew rays. Image of the stop in image space is the exit pupil. Shaw Montana State University Demonstration of Pupils with a Camera Lens View a camera lens from the front and from the back to see the entrance and exit pupils. You are seeing the same iris from both sides, but it appears to be of different diameter because of the intervening optics. Chief ray principal ray originates at the object point at the edge of the field of view and passes through the centre of the stop of the system. Axial height transverse distance away from the optical axis of the marginal ray is zero at the object and all images of the object. At these locations the axial height of the chief ray determines the size semi-diameter of the object and its images magnification. These roles are reversed when considering the aperture stop and its images pupils. PSF gives the physically correct light distribution in the image plane including the effects of aberrations and diffraction. Optical Systems Design 23 24 Co-ordinate Systems and Sign Conventions No standardization between different codes! Zemax uses a right-handed cartesian co-ordinate system, where the Z-axis is the optical axis and light initially moves in the direction of +Z. Co-ordinate breaks rotations are defined in a right-handed sense. Optical Systems Design 24 25 Optical Prescriptions An optical design is described by a set of surfaces through which the light passes sequentially. Surfaces are tabulated in the lens data editor and are numbered sequentially from the object surface surface 0 and ending with the image surface. A minimum of 3 surfaces is required object, stop, image. Optical Systems Design 25 26 Surface Parameters Surface number Radius of curvature R Thickness to the next surface t Glass type in the next medium or Air if blank Aspheric data if any Aperture size semi-diameter D Tilt and decenter data if any One surface is designated the stop surface.

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